
year 2003


titles / shows

General results of Czech show season by KCHBO:


Jch.Chaka Deabei - The Best Young Tervueren, Winner of all Young Berger Belge Varieties

Athos Comme un Reve Noir - 4th Best Young Tervueren

Humpty Doo Deabei - 2nd Best Adult Tervueren
s.Ich.Kid Dylan van de Lamar - 6th Best Adult Tervueren



Celesta z Henrisaru - 2nd Best Young Female of Tervueren

Cho Deabei - 3rd Best Young Female of Tervueren

Jch.Anee Oridix - 2nd Best Adult Female of Tervueren

Dioppé Deabei - 6th Best Adult Female of Tervueren


CHS Deabei - 2.-3. Most Successful Kennel of Tervueren 2003
CHS Deabei - 3.-4. Most Successful Kennel of Berger Belge 2003


We thanks to all our dog owners for excellent performence.


In 2003 we obteined these titles:

2x Junior Champion - Chaka Deabei, Anee Ordix

1x Club Champion KCHBO - Kid Dylan van de Lamar

1x Club Winner - Anee Oridix (KCHBO)

1x Selection (CZ) - Kid Dylan van de Lamar


The show results of our dogs and litters:


CACIB show NITRA, Slovensko


judge: Ing.J. Matyas,Sk


Chika Deabei - Exc1,CAC(intermediate class)


CACIB show Ceske Budejovice


judge: Ing. Karhanova Jana,CZ


Ioric Deabei - Very Promising1 (debutant class)
Jch.Chaka Deabei - Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB(intermediate class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB(open class)
Jch.Anee Oridix - Exc2, Res.CAC(open class)


National show Brno


judge: Jana Miklasova,CZ


Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1(open class)
Cho Deabei - Exc1, CAJC(young class)


CACIB show Mlada Boleslav


judge: Ing. Matyas Jaroslav,SK


Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1, CAC, CACIB(open class)
Celesta z Henrisaru - Exc1,CAJC(young class)
JCh. Anee Oridix - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB(open class)


Nationale Elevage - La Chatre, Francie


judge: A.McLaren,UK


JCh. Anee Oridix - Exc6(open class, among 75 females)
Ch.Cosey Mo Deabei - Exc3(working class)


National show Mlada Boleslav


judge: Ing. Matyas Jaroslav SK


Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1,CAC, National Winner (open class)
JCh. Anee Oridix - Exc1,CAC, National Winner, BOB(intermediate class)


CACIB show Praha


judge: Alexandra Grygarova,CZ


JCh.Chaka Deabei - Exc1,CAJC(young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1(intermediate class)
Cho Deabei - VG1(young class)
Dioppé Deabei - Exc(open class)


Special club show Kamenny mlyn, Slovakia


judge: Eric Desschans,B

Chika Deabei - Very good4(young class)


CACIB show Litomerice


judge: Eva Hajková, CZ


Chino Deabei - Exc.2(young class)
Garou Kid Deabei - Exc3(open class)
Celesta z Henrisaru - Exc1,CAJC(young class)


Special show KCHBO Zeleznice


judge: Ing.Jana Karhanová, CZ(young class), Gert Christensen, DK(adult classes)


Chaka Deabei - Exc.1, CAJC, The Best young of variety, BIS junior(young class) - he executed Jch.CZ
Athos Comme un Reve Noir - Exc.2(young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - VG4 (intermediate class)
Ich.Kid Dylan v.d. Lamar - Exc.1, CAC, CKS(working class)
Celesta z Henrisaru - Exc.2(young class)
Anee Oridix - Exc.1, CAC, CKS(intermediate class)
Dioppé Deabei - Exc.(open class)
Caillé Deabei - Exc.2(working class)


Selection 2003

judge: Gert Christensen, Jesper Andersson, Ing. Jana Karhanová

Kid Dylan van de Lamar, Archibald Sixty Six(syn Kid Dylan van de Lamar)


Club show KCHBO Zeleznice


judge: Jaroslav Marek, CZ(young class),Jesper Andersson, SWE(adult classes)


Chaka Deabei - Exc.1, CAJC, The Best young of variety, BIS junior(young class)
Athos Comme un Reve Noir - Exc.2 (young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - VG(intermediate class)
Ich.Kid Dylan v.d. Lamar - Exc.1, CAC, CKS(working class)
Celesta z Henrisaru - Exc1(young class)
Anee Oridix - Exc.1, CAC, CKS, Club winner 2003(intermediate class)
Dioppé Deabei - Exc2, Res.CAC, CKS(open class)
Caillé Deabei - Exc.2(working class)



The Best Stud Male: - Ich.Kid Dylan van de Lamar(11offsprings on the show)

The Best Pair : - Humpty Doo Deabei + Dioppé Deabei


CACIB show Ceske Budejovice


judge: Eva Hájková, CZ


Chaka Deabei - Exc1,CAJC,BOB(young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1,CAC(intermediate class)
Garou Kid Deabei - Exc1, CAC, res.CACIB(open class)
Anee Oridix Exc1,CAJC(young class) - she executed JCh.CZ
Dioppé Deabei - Exc.2, res.CAC, res.CACIB(open class)


Club show Hungary - Budapest


judge: Eric Desschans, B


Chaka Deabei - Exc.2(young class)
ICh. Kid Dylan v.d.Lamar - Exc1 CAC(working class)
Anee Oridix - Exc.2 Res.CAC(intermediate class)

15.3. 2003

National show Ostrava


judge: Aleksandra Lubaszka, PL


Athos Comme un Reve Noir - Exc1, CAJC(young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1, CAC(intermediate class)
Cho Deabei - Very promising 1(debutant class)
Anee Oridix - Exc1, CAJC, BOB(young class)


CACIB show Brno


judge: Ing. Matyas Jaroslav, SK


Athos Comme un Reve Noir - Exc1, CAJC(young class)
Humpty Doo Deabei - Exc1, CAC(intermediate class)

Humpty Doo Deabei
Kid Dylan
Chaka Deabei
Anee Oridix
Athos Comme un Reve Noir

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