training - gallery

Anee Oridix / Angie Terre Sauvages / Athos Comme un Reve Noir / Atu Ketunpolun / Boy z Krumlovského údolí / Cabor van Labayo / Cosey Mo Deabei / Delphine Erlander / Ener Deabei / Garou Kid Deabei / Chino Deabei / Ioric Deabei / Jalap Deabei / Jaska Deabei / Kallo Deabei / Kid Dylan van de Lamar / Kiko Deabei / Killi Deabei / Lenny Deabei / Lupo Deabei / Maud Deabei / Moloko Deabei / Muko Deabei / Prot Deabei / Tico Twinkle van de Weiwakers


(click to enlarge pictures )

Delphine Erlander


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pics from exam IPO2

Pics from Pavla Habrova from the training camp in Svabov (07/2008)

training in the Club of Sezemice (26.2.2007)

on RH-E exam (photo: Iveta Soukupová a Ing. Jana Martínková)

…. from the training of defence on the training camp in Švábov (July 2006)

Character and socializing test (15.4.2006)

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