training - gallery

Anee Oridix / Angie Terre Sauvages / Athos Comme un Reve Noir / Atu Ketunpolun / Boy z Krumlovského údolí / Cabor van Labayo / Cosey Mo Deabei / Delphine Erlander / Ener Deabei / Garou Kid Deabei / Chino Deabei / Ioric Deabei / Jalap Deabei / Jaska Deabei / Kallo Deabei / Kid Dylan van de Lamar / Kiko Deabei / Killi Deabei / Lenny Deabei / Lupo Deabei / Maud Deabei / Moloko Deabei / Muko Deabei / Prot Deabei / Tico Twinkle van de Weiwakers


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ATU Ketunpolun


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training in the Club of Sezemice (26.2.2007)

…. from the training of defence on the training camp in Švábov (July 2006)

Atu ( 7 months) is great retriever

- she retrieves the matal cup, glass bottle of beer, gun or defence training tool with the same drive. She would like to tug for all these things which is very funy with the starting gun. I have noticed her talent once on our garden, when she played with Delphine. There was nothing to take to her mouth one moment so she took the stone. The same time I find out who moves those stones and bricks on our garden... :o)

