Date of Birth: 28.8.2005
Date of Death: 4.12.2017 (12,5 years)
No.: CMKU/BOT/3059-05-05
Breeder: Piia Salonen, Finsko,
Kennel Ketunpolun
Owner: Ing. Beata Štýbrová + Piia Salonen, Finsko
Co-owner: Monika Kodrasová, Roudnice nad Labem
61/61cm - Stud fermale, Selected KCHBO(s.)
Sujet Recomande (s.r)
Reproductive Female KCHBO (PE) - (Saki, Zea, Zipitty Deabei)
Character and socializing test: 98p/A
- no shooting reaction
HEALTH: Teeth: complete teeth, scissors
HD: 0/0 - FCI: "A" (2006)
Elbows: 0/0 (2006)
Backbone: negative (2006)
BAER test : normal/normal (2007)
PRA+cataract : neg (2008, 2011, 2013)
ZVV1 (76/79/85 - G), RH-E (97/96-Exc.), BH(55p), FPr.1(88p)
LA2, LA1
CSAU (Excellent), TAN
Character test Finland: 215b |