s.r.PE. Ich.MCh.Klch.Jch. ATU Ketunpolun

Atu Ketunpolun - info | gallery | littermates | training-gallery | training-video | dog frisbee-gallery


Date of Birth: 28.8.2005

Date of Death: 4.12.2017 (12,5 years)


No.: CMKU/BOT/3059-05-05

Breeder: Piia Salonen, Finsko,

Kennel Ketunpolun

Owner: Ing. Beata Štýbrová + Piia Salonen, Finsko

Co-owner: Monika Kodrasová, Roudnice nad Labem


61/61cm - Stud fermale, Selected KCHBO(s.)

Sujet Recomande (s.r)

Reproductive Female KCHBO (PE) - (Saki, Zea, Zipitty Deabei)


Character and socializing test: 98p/A

- no shooting reaction



Teeth: complete teeth, scissors

HD: 0/0 - FCI: "A" (2006)
Elbows: 0/0 (2006)

Backbone: negative (2006)

BAER test : normal/normal (2007)

PRA+cataract : neg (2008, 2011, 2013)



ZVV1 (76/79/85 - G), RH-E (97/96-Exc.), BH(55p), FPr.1(88p)


LA2, LA1

CSAU (Excellent), TAN

Character test Finland: 215b

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about Atu


SHOWS: 2x BOB, 6xCACIB, 2x r.CACIB, 8xCAC, CAC (SWE), CQ(SWE), 2x CAC (EST), 2x CAC (HU), 2xČKŠ, 3x CQ(FIN), CWC, 3xCAJC

National winner 2007 + 2008, Club Winner HBJK 2008, r.BIS (Club show HBJK 08)

European Winner 2008

National d´Elevage (2006) - Exc.4 (young class)

National d´Elevage (2008) - Exc.1 (working class)

Regional d´Elevage, Touquet (2007) - Exc.2+ (medium)

Junior Champion CZ, Champion CZ, Hungary Champion, Estonia Champion, Sweden Champion

Interchampion C.I.B. , Club Champion KCHBO



2009 - Aragon vom Wildweibchenstein (3+3)

2011 - Dandy La Colline des Vagabonds (5+3)

2012 - Pjotr Deabei (6+1) - CHS Ketunpolun

2013 - Xapp Deabei (2+3)

2014 - Prot Deabei (1+3)

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Atu was always ready for all our appels and requirements and she was very happy from carry them out - it is like reward for her! She was fantastic retriever and just more then catch and bring some balls (things) she loved to pull with me – it was the best reward for her. She had very happy and nice obedience. She liked tracking, because she loved all food! There were not so much drive in speed in protection work like by our Delphine, but Atu had full bites and she was very balanced there.

I trained IPO (tracks/obediece/protection) and IRO (rescue tarining) with her and we sometimes she tryed agility and dogfrisbee with Jakub.

Atu loved people, she was balanced, no conflicting with other females, she liked puppies. She was happy with water, she loved swiming.

Atu had not reaction on shooting, fireworks or storms.
