health overview of Athos´s offspring
There are health overview of Athos´s offsprings which we know. It is not easy to know everything because many owners of puppy doesn´t want to do health tests or inform their breeder and some breeders has not the contact for them...
So we are very happy for each result which we know.
Belgian shepherds are generaly very healthy and long-lived breed, nevertheless we can meet some illnesses and defects which is necessary to follow - such as cryptorchism, dysplasia, eye diseases and idiopathic epilepsy - civilizational diseases same as people can suffere from...
There is no long-time breed without health problems or defects, only informations can miss.
Thank all for given informations... |
C – complete teeth/S- scissors, P-pincers, M – malocclusion, U – underbite, s - primary tooth scissors, c - primary compleete teeth, † - death
J - Nobby Rock - 2011
mother: Adriane Nobby Rock, C/S, HD:B
name |
teeth /bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Jacobin |
c/s |
2 |
Jeramias |
C/S |
2 |
0/0-A |
Jonatan |
c/s |
2 |
Julian |
c/s |
2 |
Jangles |
c/s |
- |
Justine |
c/s |
- |
N - Randy Dog- 2011
mother: Chara Randy Dog, C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
sponylosis |
others |
Navar |
p/n |
2 |
Nex |
p/n |
2 |
Nadin |
p/n |
- |
Naive |
p/n |
- |
Nancy |
p/n |
- |
Nessie |
p/n |
- |
Noogie |
p/n |
- |
I - Nobby Rock - 2010
mother: Delphine Nobby Rock , C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
spondylosis |
others |
Iambo |
p/n |
2 |
Indigo |
p/n |
2 |
Iodin |
p/n |
2 |
Ionas |
p/n |
1 |
Issac |
p/n |
2 |
0/0-A |
Iasmine |
p/n |
- |
Imagine |
p/n |
- |
Imaia |
p/n |
- |
Ismile |
p/n |
- |
G - Nobby Rock - 2009
mother: Adriane Nobby Rock - C/S, HD:B
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eys |
others |
Gambit |
C/S |
2 |
Gandalf |
C/S |
2 |
Gilligan |
C/S |
2 |
0/0-A |
Gucci |
C/S |
2 |
Gilliver |
C/S |
2 |
Guinevere |
C/S |
- |
2/2-C |
G - Erlander - 2008
mother: Yvette di Scottatura - C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Garrick |
C/S |
2 |
Gideon |
C/S |
2 |
Georgina |
C/S |
- |
Genie |
missing2xPM1/S |
- |
Ginette |
C/S |
- |
F - Erlander - 2008
mother: Erlander Bella Brianna, C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Fabian |
c/s |
2 |
Faro |
C/S |
2 |
Fennex |
C/S |
2 |
Ferris |
C/S |
2 |
Fletcher |
C/S |
2 |
Fanny |
c/s |
- |
Fern |
C/P |
- |
Francine |
C/S |
- |
Freyer |
c/s |
- |
E - Arga Star - 2004
mother: Akyra Porta Bohemica, C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Erro |
c/s |
2 |
Esso |
c/s |
2 |
Edith |
C/S |
- |
0/0-A |
0/0-A |
Elsa |
c/s |
- |
Enbi |
c/s |
- |
Erica |
c/s |
- |
B - Briesberi - 2004
mother: Emy Adina z Kovárny, C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Baldrick Nick |
C/S |
2 |
accident - broken front leg,castried |
Baquian Nick |
C/S |
2 |
brain attack |
Berisha Nick |
C/M |
2 |
0/0-A |
Birtt Nick |
C/M |
2 |
Blackberry Nick |
c/s |
2 |
Bootes Nick |
C/P |
2 |
1/1-B |
† 4,5 year anaphylactic reaction |
Boors Nick |
C/S |
2 |
soft one ear |
Butchi Nick |
c/s |
2 |
Baesy Nick |
C/S |
- |
0/0-A |
accident-broken front leg |
Baya Nick |
C/S |
- |
Benetnash Nick |
C/S |
- |
0/0-A |
0/0-A |
neg. |
Berenis Nick |
C/S |
- |
-/0-A |
neg. |
acident car-no one hip |
Beyoncé Nick |
C/S |
- |
0/0-A |
neg. |
† 4,5 year - killed by other dog!!! |
Boo Izar Nick |
C/S |
- |
0/0-A |
D -z Henrisaru- 2004
mother: Denny Barňacký prameň, C/S, HD:A
name |
teeth / bite |
testicles |
HD |
ED |
eyes |
others |
Donald Diego |
C/S |
2 |
Debra Denalli |
C/P |
- |
0/0-A |
0/0-A |
Demi Morre |
C/M |
- |
Desire Silver |
C/S |
- |
Dirty Dancing |
C/S |
- |
Djanett Gold |
1xPM2/S |
- |
Domenica Donna |
C/S |
- |